
Entrepreneurship – IT – Social Media

There is three principles that sustain the DNA of our Firm:  disruption, innovation and excellence. Therefore, since its inception, Larios Tres Legal SLP has invested a large part of its resources and equipment in the technology and personal development of its members. Also, the office accompanied a large number of start-ups and entrepreneurs in their journey towards professional and business success.

All this makes Larios Tres Legal SLP the chosen Law Firm by the main entrepreneurs and influencers at a national and European level.

The detailed knowledge in the operation of social media networks. Advice on the development of business plans for several Start-ups in order to achieve better private or public financing (banks, crowdfunding, public aid, incentives, etc.). The research in the elaboration of market studies. And the advice on the Blockchain technology and the Cryptocurrency. It has made us the Spanish Law Firm with which millennials of all rank and profile want to work, collaborate and / or contract with.

We add value to your project through our network of contacts inside and outside the Firm in order to maximize the opportunities for success. In the same way that we create synergies between clients and interested collaborator, we establish an environment that generates personal, professional enrichment, and multilateral business, based on the “win-win” paradigm. What is only possible to achieve by rigorously applying of the deontological code of the Spanish Lawyers in a global market without frontiers of this new society 3.0.

And lastly, we establish personal and professional growth programs both for colleagues in the firm, as well as other interested external attorneys, in order to train the oratory, psychology, technics of negotiation, emotional intelligence and instrumental skills applied to the field of their profession, either in the sphere of litigation, as in any other business sector.

Coach: emotional intelligence applied to business & courts.

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