Welcome to
Larios Tres Legal, S.L.P.
Qualified lawyers at your disposal.
Our concept is based on always apply the minimal cost in terms of time and resources in order to get as much effect over our previously planned objectives in our cases. All this is managed through detailed knowledge of the judicial map of our points of influence. And we have long exprerience on the practical secrets of procedural framework in each jurisdiction. Which we can only be achieved through the full commitment from all ourAttorneys, researchers, psychologists and collaborators, which whom we demand the highest standards of discipline, rigor and continuous updating on the substance and the form.

Excellence, disruption and innovation on form and substance
Legal services
International Law
Golden Visa, Residency & Citizenship
International trade (import -& export)
Family Law
International admiralty (maritime) law
International contracts
Inmigration Law
Investment & Real estate law
Investment & acquisition (due dilligence)
Negotiations for financing and contracting
Mortgage counseling
Advise on investments & yields
Court - Litigation
Contractual breach
Debt recovery
Traffic accidents & personal injury
Medical malpractice
Banking Law
Family law & inheritance
Right of Consumers & Users
Claims to airline companies
International Law
Golden Visa, Residency & Citizenship
International trade (import -& export)
Family Law
International admiralty (maritime) law
International contracts
Inmigration Law
Investment & Real Estate Law
Investment & acquisition (due dilligence)
Negotiations for financing and contracting
Mortgage counseling
Advise on investments & yields
Court - Litigation
Contractual breach
Debt recovery
Traffic accidents & personal injury
Medical malpractice
Banking Law
Family law & inheritance
Right of Consumers & Users
Claims to airline companies
Corporate Law
Establishment – acquisition of all type of companies [New Co]
Tax & Accounting: Advise, planification and complete management
Labor Law & Social Security
Corporate contracts and para-social agreements
Stablishment and advise to Franchises and Master Franchises
Claims of liability to Corporate administrators
Bankrupcy & insolvency
Entrepreneurship – IT – Social Media
New Technologies la, IT Law and Cyber securtity
Social Media &Iinfluencers
Right of honour, image, and personal privacy protection
Advise to start-ups
Market studies & business plan
Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies
Coach: emotional intelligence applied to business & courts
Corporate Law
Establishment – acquisition of all type of companies [New Co]
Tax & Accounting: Advise, planification and complete management
Labor Law & Social Security
Corporate contracts and para-social agreements
Stablishment and advise to Franchises and Master Franchises
Claims of liability to Corporate administrators
Bankrupcy & insolvency
Entrepreneurship – IT – Social Media
New Technologies la, IT Law and Cyber securtity
Social Media &Iinfluencers
Right of honour, image, and personal privacy protection
Advise to start-ups
Market studies & business plan
Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies
Coach: emotional intelligence applied to business & courts
Our Firm has obtained the recognition of EXCELLENCE as a partner of the Spanish Luxury Association, receiving the LUXURY SPAIN ® quality label
The Spanish Luxury Association empowers and promotes the products, brands and services they represent “the excellence”.
Do you have legal problems but do not know who to consult?

Get you free consultation
We offer you our professional help from the corporate tax planning of your company, toInternational Maritime Law, through Golden visa program and evenprenuptial agreements.